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If you are considering building a shed (class 10a building) in a designated bushfire-prone area, you may be required to comply with the bushfire construction requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) often referred to as BAL requirements(Bushfire Attack Level).

Dinky Di Sheds can assist you with your council BAL ratings by supplying appropriate material to guard against ember attacks for buildings such as garages, carports, sheds, or similar structures.

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a measure used in Australian building codes to assess the potential exposure of buildings to ember attack, radiant heat, and direct flame contact during a bushfire. It is part of the Australian Standard AS 3959, which specifies construction requirements to improve the protection of buildings in bushfire-prone areas. The BAL rating helps determine the appropriate building materials and construction methods to mitigate the risks associated with bushfires.


The BAL ratings are determined based on factors such as the region's climate, the type of vegetation surrounding the property, the distance from the vegetation, and the slope of the land. The ratings range from low to extreme, each specifying different construction requirements:


  • BAL Low: Minimal risk. No specific construction requirements, although ember protection is recommended.
  • BAL 12.5: Low risk. Construction measures to resist ember attack and minimize the likelihood of flames contacting the building.
  • BAL 19: Moderate risk. Enhanced construction measures to resist ember attack and higher levels of radiant heat.
  • BAL 29: High risk. Further enhanced construction measures to resist greater levels of radiant heat.
  • BAL 40: Very high risk. Stringent construction measures to resist increased levels of radiant heat and some flame contact.
  • BAL Flame Zone (FZ): Extreme risk. Buildings must be able to withstand direct exposure to flames and extreme levels of radiant heat, requiring the highest level of construction measures, including the use of bushfire shutters.
    BAL ratings sheds
    These BAL ratings help ensure that new sheds in bushfire-prone areas are designed and constructed to withstand bushfire threats, thereby improving the safety and resilience of the structures and their occupants.

    Click here to go to our article about our BAL rated shed windows. 



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Dinky Di Sheds

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) and Steel Shed Design

06 June 2024

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1800 785 224

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