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Dinky Di Sheds can assist you with all aspects of your Toowoomba shed council approval and shed building process.


Initially, you may wish to check if your shed project even requires development approval from the Toowoomba Regional Council. Some smaller sheds may be exempt under 10m2, but larger or more complex structures may need approval. Farm sheds on large acreage may also be exempt when isolated and used primarily for hay and machinery storage.


Regardless of whether you require council approval, we still recommend buying a shed that’s fully compliant with local wind rating requirements.


Setback Requirements:

Be aware of setback requirements, which specify the distance that a shed must be situated from property boundaries, roads, and other structures. This is crucial to ensure safety and adherence to local planning regulations. Generally your shed must be six metres back from the front boundary and be 1.5 metres from your side boundaries. Relaxations to these rules may be granted on a case by case basis.


Building Codes and Standards:

Comply with national and local building codes and standards by buying from reputable Australian certified sources. This includes structural integrity, wind loading, and other safety considerations.


Size and Height Restrictions:

Check if there are limitations on the size and height of sheds allowed on your property. Some areas have specific restrictions to maintain the aesthetic and functional aspects of the area.


Materials and Appearance:

Certain areas may have regulations regarding the materials used for sheds and their appearance to maintain the character of the neighborhood. Heritage and character overlays may affect your requirement for design options such as roof pitches and the overall street facing appearance.


Water Runoff and Drainage:

Consider water runoff and drainage requirements to prevent flooding or water-related issues. This may include the installation of gutters and downpipes to a curb, stormwater pipe, water tank or ground bubbler.


Zoning Regulations:

Confirm that your property is zoned appropriately for the intended use of the shed. Different zones may have specific restrictions on the size and type of structures allowed. For example, an industrial shed cannot be installed in a residential area.


Bushfire Prone Areas:

If your property is in a bushfire-prone area, additional shed or garage design requirements related to bushfire protection may apply, such as a BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating. This may include adding ember seals on openings and gutters.


To obtain accurate and up-to-date information on shed building requirements in Toowoomba, we recommend first visiting the official website of the Toowoomba Regional Council or contacting their relevant department.


You can also inquire about this information in person at the council offices or through their customer service channels. Keep in mind that local regulations may vary, and it's crucial to ensure compliance with the specific requirements of your area.


Dinky Di Sheds have been operating from our Toowoomba office since 2006. You can arrange to meet real people face to face in a comfortable and professional environment. We are also an authorised distributor of Fair Dinkum Sheds with over 30,000 sheds delivered nationally over 30 years.


We have fully qualified builders and certifiers ready and available to assist with all aspects of your local shed build and Toowoomba Regional Council shed or garage application.


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Trading as Dinky Di Sheds

ABN 75 164 746 639


1800 785 224

Head office 226 Campbell St

Toowoomba 4350


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